Since 1938, three generations of our family have been here to help you and yours... yesterday, today and tomorrow
We are here to help you every step of the way
- We offer Estate Follow-up and Fraud Protection
- Beautiful On Site Reception Centre
- Bereavement Counselling
- Marc Edward James Sedgwick
- Paul Edgar Island
- Victoria Platonida Catton (nee Oliynek)
- Edith "Grace" Condie
- Doreen Elizabeth Litwiller
- Greta Elsie White
- Valda Amelia Mae Mulvey
- Caroline May Jeffries
- Gordon David Garioch
- Captain William Robert "Bill" Barr
- Donald Chapin
- Kenneth Arthur Vieneau
- Ronald Edmund Roberts
- Donald Robert Feltmate
- Rosa Marie Lee-Osinga
- Mary Laverne Edwards
- Mary Agnes "May" Clark
- Karen Marie Ferguson
- Henk de Vries
- Patricia Millicent Gummer (nee Birmingham)
MacCoubrey Funeral Home Ltd. - Cobourg and Colborne locations are both Licenced by The Bereavement Authority of Ontario as Funeral Establishments Class #1, #099 and #122