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Stuart Ward Henry

This obituary is protected by copyright by MacCoubrey Funeral Home Limited. Proudly serving Northumberland County in the province of Ontario, Canada. All rights reserved.

Stuart Ward Henry

February 20, 1942 - February 19, 2025

Despite winning his battle with stage 4 cancer, he was still about to lose the war with pulmonary fibrosis so Stu, with the help of MAID, cast off the lines on February 19, 2025, for his last voyage into the unknown.
He was predeceased by his father Edward Turriff Henry and his mother Lilian Taylor Moodie. He is survived by his much loved and appreciated wife of 47 years, Marie Vaillancourt, his sisters Janet Perry and Susan Henry, his in-laws Louise Turgeon (wife of the late Gilles Vaillancourt), Louis Vaillancourt, Marc Vaillancourt (Diane Durette), his nieces Annouchka E. Vaillancourt (David Klug), Isabelle Vaillancourt, Molly Henry, Patricia Silverthorne (Peter), his nephews John and Stuart Chandler, his goddaughter Mai Ling Tong (Apurva Patel), and Mocha, the last of six Springer spaniels enjoyed by Stu and Marie over the last 40 years.
Stu, a sixth generation Quebecer with deep roots in the Eastern Townships, was born and raised in Montreal. He graduated from Bishop's University, obtained his CA with PWC in Montreal and went on to graduate with an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. After leaving Philadelphia, he lived in New York, New Jersey, San Francisco, Montreal, and Toronto, and eventually settled into their farm just north of Cobourg. It was at Lakeview Farm where Stu and Marie had the great pleasure of entertaining friends and family over the years.
His career in the world of finance was one that he really enjoyed particularly as he had the good fortune to have worked with some very talented and decent individuals over the years. His work assignments took him to the Netherlands, Switzerland, England, Indonesia, Turkey, The Bahamas, Germany, the US coastal states and virtually every province in Canada.
Stu and Marie's travels to France, Italy, Scotland, England, The Bahamas, Barbados, the Virgin Islands and their condo in Florida along with a cruise around the Baltic Sea and frequent trips to San Francisco and Canada's two coasts provided much enjoyment for the two of them.
Competition and adventure were a good part of Stu's life. ln high school, he was on the swim, volleyball, football and water polo teams. At university, he played varsity hockey and won the university tennis championship. After his schooling, he was on the Canadian Ski Patrol in the Laurentians, and he played hockey summer and winter until his early fifties along with competitive squash at the Cambridge Club. Life on the water was very much a part of his life, winning the club sailing championships with the help of great crews, at both BPYC and CYC over the years. After he stopped working, Stu and Marie enjoyed both the wildlife and the geography while cruising their trawler, Free Spirit V, on the west coast between BC and Alaska. Cruising around the countryside on his Harley was also another source of enjoyment over the years as were the skidoo trips around the Gaspé and Lac-Saint-Jean areas.
Golfing with his buddies as part of the Dalewood GC Seniors group brought a great deal of pleasure over the years and he achieved two of his three objectives while playing (an ace and a round in the 70's). Competitive table tennis was another of his joys while playing with the gang at the CCC. Monday morning breakfast was a regular event with his fellow Cobourg Exchange club members as they discussed what was going on in their lives each week. Being a member of the esteemed Persephone group (fifteen guys from their university days celebrating the first day of Spring together each year for over forty years) and enjoying the camaraderie of this group along with their wives on trips every fifth year created a lot of fond memories for Stu and Marie. Each Fall over the last forty years saw Stu head up to the Upper Ottawa Valley for a week, with old friends, of bird hunting and joke telling at his childhood friend's cottage.
He had a great life and was thankful for every moment of it.
Sincere gratitude is extended to Dr. Marcus Cunningham of The Cobourg Health Center, to Dr. Lakshman Vasanthamohan, and to all the staff of the Oncology Clinic at the Northumberland Hills Hospital, and special thanks to Dr. Mark Essak, his palliative care physician.
Cremation has already occurred and by his choice there will be no funeral or celebration of life as life was celebrated while he was with us.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation (, or Bishop’s University Foundation, 2600 College St. Sherbrooke, QC, J1M 1Z7 (

Message Of Condolence

Note: Your message of condolence will appear at the bottom of the page.
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Elaine Tomiszer - March 12, 2025

I was sad to learn of Stu’s passing today. My thoughts are with Marie-Elise as you carry on without him. Stu was a lovely man with a zest for life and I’m sure he will be sadly missed.

Stephen Brown and Rebecca Brown - March 8, 2025

I knew Stu, and less so Marie from time at the Cobourg Yacht Club. He was a calm voice of reason and always a pleasure to talk to. Stu provided an elegant yet simple solution to resolve a problem perhaps 25 years ago for which I still remember him but the details have faded. Stu seemed to live life on his terms and I am glad he found the support he needed in death from family and his care team.

Rodger & Margaret Cooper - March 8, 2025

Stu’s smile and eyes say it all. A smile of a man who enjoyed life and made enjoyment for those he knew and loved and shared his many and diverse interests. Stu’s bright shining eyes were on the one hand perceptive and a doorway to information flowing into his intellect and on the other hand a confirmation of his acceptance and caring of others. When racing on his crew a screw up was an “opportunity” and not a source of criticism. Many near and far will miss him.

Richard Irvine - March 5, 2025 DONATION

A Memorial Donation has been made to the following charity:

Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation

Karen & Chris Hoskin - March 3, 2025 DONATION

A Memorial Donation has been made to the following charity:

Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation

Chris & Karen Hoskin - March 3, 2025

Marie, what can we say to help ease the pain of your loss of Stu....thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort as you remember Stu and hope that all the memories your journeys together guide you peacefully thru this difficult time. Sending many hugs your way. Safe voyages Stu..... Chris & Karen Hoskin and family

Linda Stephen - March 3, 2025 DONATION

A Memorial Donation has been made to the following charity:

Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation

Brenda and Jody Pepper - March 1, 2025

Dear Marie Jody and I both very saddened to hear about Stu’s most recent illness and passing. His life was filled with so many joys and passions. Jody has great memories of the two of them out on the race course having a fantastic time. Both being equally as passionate about SAILING. He truly was an incredible man and we are both proud of knowing you both. Love Jody and Brenda

Evelyne Labrosse - March 1, 2025

Chère Marie J’ai eu le privilège de rencontrer Stuart brièvement mais votre accueil a tous deux à été tellement chaleureux. J’en garde un souvenir exceptionnel. Je sais toute l’importante que Stuart et toi représentez pour Rene-Pierre et je tenais à t’offrir mes plus sincères sympathies. Les filles et moi sommes de tout cœur avec toi. Je te souhaite plein de douceur et de paix pour les années à venir. Chaleureusement, Frédérique, Romy et Evelyne

Paul Lee - February 28, 2025

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Stu through a mutual friend for a round of golf on a couple of occasions. I had no idea of all the accomplishments of the man sitting beside me in the cart as he was so humble and a genuine human-being offering words of advice to someone navigating the world of finance. My prayers go out to his wife and family. May he rest in peace.

Isabelle Robitaille - February 28, 2025

Très chère Marie, nous pensons très fort à toi. Quelle belle vie il a vécu ton beau Stuart, quel bel exemple de vie pleinement vécue, un homme talentueux, travaillant, intelligent et un grand généreux . J'ai eu la chance de partager de nombreux moments heureux avec lui, de bénificier de ses conseils précieux . Stuart , tu resteras toujours dans nos cœurs. Isabelle Louis Édouard Augustin et Marie

John and Jill Martland - February 27, 2025

Chère Marie, Jill and I were so sorry to hear that Stu is gone. Throughout his medical travails, he always showed so much spirit and a sense of peace. He was a wonderful part of the Persephone gang and we enjoyed so much your west coast visits, including Lizard Island. We extend our heartfelt condoléances to you. Sincerely John

Ann Kerwin - February 27, 2025

Dear Marie, Ed and I are deeply saddened to learn of your beloved Stuart's passing and wish to send you our deepest sympathies on the death of your darling husband, friend and fellow traveller. His life was full, from a loving family, enriching education and prolific sports career, through his successful career in finance to his wonderful life as the country gentleman farmer and community leader. Stuart surrounded himself with good people, great experiences and many opportunities to explore the your company and often with your treasured dogs. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers as we all celebrate Stuart's full life, well lived. It was a good ride! Affectionately Ann

Robert Wilson - February 27, 2025

Stu was honorable and very wise when I knew him on Bay Street. I still recall a private meeting with me during which Stu remarked that family comes first but doing the right thing is a close second. I took his advice to heart from that day forward. I'm glad to read that he continued to sail and eventually settled at his family's country house. He was a good man and will be missed.

Bonnie & Frank O'Grady - February 27, 2025

Most definitely “A Live Well Lived”. Stuart to us will be remembered as enjoying every day! We fondly recall the good times with Stuart & Marie although we only were a small part of their varied life & adventures [including your 40 years of enjoyment of 6 springers from us] It was a privilege to know Stuart and we wish you Marie (and Mocha) all the best

Joan McNamara - February 26, 2025

“Oh Stu,” I was saddened to hear I won’t play Table Tennis with you anymore. “Oh Stu!” he’d say when he missed his shot. We both laughed over that expression. My condolences to his family. Joan

Elaine and Grayson - February 26, 2025

Such a fine man you were Stu Henry, plus a great skipper, you will be missed. Condolences to Marie and family. Elaine and Grayson

Kristel Glockner - February 26, 2025

Chère Marie, C’est avec une profonde tristesse que j’ai appris le départ de Stuart. Je ne l’ai pas eu la chance de le connaître, mais je sais à quel point il était aimé et admiré par ceux qui l’entouraient. Sa force et son courage face à la maladie forcent le respect, et je ne peux qu’imaginer la douleur de son absence. En ces moments difficiles, je tiens à vous adresser, ainsi qu’à toute votre famille, mes pensées les plus sincères. Que le soutien de vos proches et les souvenirs partagés avec Stuart vous apportent un peu de réconfort. Avec toute ma sympathie, Kristel

Gary Fazil - February 25, 2025

I enjoyed our conversations and the friendly competition at the Cobourg Seniors Table Tennis Club. Your presence was always a source of warmth, and your opinions held depth, kindness and meaning, always offering insight without ever making anyone feel left out. I can’t recall a single moment when you spoke harshly about anyone. The loss of your kind spirit is deeply felt. You will be so missed, my friend. My heartfelt condolences to Marie and the entire family during this incredibly difficult time.

Wayne Pearce - February 25, 2025

Marie I am so sorry for your loss . Stu gave me the opportunity to sail with him for probably 20 years and he was a great skipper and friend. He had a great life and it was a pleasure to know him. After he sent Blue Magic on to Kingston I just couldn’t sail again that year. He will be missed. Wayne

Bern Kelly - Crew on Blue Magic - February 25, 2025

Marie, I’m sorry to hear about Stu’s passing. I have many good memories of him as Captain of Blue Magic. My thoughts are with you and all of his loved ones. He’ll be missed, but the memories and the lessons he left behind will remain. Wishing you strength in this time.

Sophia and len klug - February 25, 2025

Dearest Marie: so very sorry to hear about Stuart. I vividly remember the all wheel drive with Stu around the property at break neck speed over humps and bumps (luckily my nappy was intact). My last visit to your wonderful home brings fond memories of you and Stu. Stu had a great,priceless life with so many accomplishments. “When he shall die take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no attention to the garish sun” . Sincerely, Sophia and Len

Hank Cunningham - February 25, 2025

I had the pleasure of working with Stu for twelve years at First Marathon Securities where he was a mentor, colleague and friend. We did some exciting breakthroughs in the finance world together. Out of the office, we played a lot of golf together, not only at Dalewood but in Florida also. He was a generous, empathetic man who touched many lives, including mine.

Harold & Jan Kennedy - February 25, 2025

Marie, So sorry to hear of Stu Passing. He was my friend and I will miss him. Over the 30 plus years that we had known each other he was my mentor. He always had time for me whether it was business or personal. Rest in peace my friend. Harold

Bob Smullin - February 25, 2025

I always looked for. Stu,on the course He was one ah the great spite of his medical burden he kept a positive smile. Gonna miss you a lot. Buddie.

Steven Pitt - February 25, 2025

It was a sad day when I heard of Stu’s passing. Stu was always great company on the patio after a game of golf at Dalewood Golf Club. Stu you will be missed. RIP Stu.

Miriam Mutton - February 24, 2025

Dear Marie, I am saddened by this news of Stu's passing. But I am thankful to have met him in person over the years and that his story of life has been shared. A remarkable person, and the love connecting the two of you clear. A lasting memory for me will be our chance encounter at Cobourg Harbour last fall, you and Stu in your car enjoying an ice cream and watching the harbour view.

Stan Stewart - February 24, 2025

I met Stu in the last 7 years of his time with us. Our common bond was sailing and our shared experiences both joyful and challenging. A perfect gentleman of refined taste and boundless curiosity. Stu loved life and made those around him richer for the experience. It was a privilege to get to know him and to share some of his experiences.

Michael Currie - February 24, 2025 DONATION

A Memorial Donation has been made to the following charity:

Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation

Michael Currie - February 24, 2025

So sorry to hear of his passing. He was fun guy to be around and will be sorely missed. Rest in peace.

Art and Lynda Rennick - February 24, 2025

Marie and family, So very sorry for your loss. Stu was a great golfing buddy and will be sorely missed by his friends at Dalewood. Art and Lynda

Ron Bolt - February 24, 2025

I have known Stuart for many years and remain grateful for the support he and Marie have given me regarding my career in the visual arts. My partner Lauretta and I always enjoyed those elegant lunches at their beautiful home in the hills. Those times were filled with great conversation and the joy of laughter. Marie, please accept our condolences. You are in our thoughts Ron Bolt and Lauretta Holbrook

Allan Carruthers - February 24, 2025

So sorry for the loss of husband Marie cherish the memories Allan and Terry Carruthers

Vera and John Barton - February 24, 2025

We will always remember Stu as a fierce, but fair, competitor out on the sailing race course. We will treasure fond memories of races against him over the 35 years we have been at the Cobourg Yacht Club. Best wishes to his friends and family. -Vera & John Barton

Rick & Barb Johns - February 24, 2025

We were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Stu. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. I hope you find strength in the love and support of those around you during this difficult time. We met Stu mostly on the waters of lake Ontario at the CYC. Stu will be remembered fondly.

Tim and Frances Price - February 24, 2025

Dear Marie, We were very sorry to learn of the loss of Stuart but , knowing his condition and temperament about his health, we were not altogether surprised about how he left us. We all had such good times together and we will relish those memories forever. We will make a donation to the Bishops University Foundation in Stuart’s memory. Hopefully we can stay in touch with you into the future. Our thoughts are with you, Tim and Frances

Laura & Rene Roberge - February 24, 2025

Marie you have our sincere condolences. Stu lived a full life & had a great life with you. May he now RIP

Jim Deviney - February 24, 2025

I was fortunate enough to have met Stu as part of the Sr Men’s golf group at Dalewood a couple of years ago and had the pleasure of playing a few rounds with him. Even when I first met him it seemed like he was a long time friend. He will definitely be missed. My condolences to Marie and his family. Sincerely Jim

Noel Milner - February 24, 2025

I always looked forward to your pleasant conversation and competition with the Seniors Golf Group at Dalewood. You provided an opinion that was meaningful and contributed insight without alienating anyone! You will be missed my friend! Condolences to Marie and family, Noel Milner.