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John Brynmor Jones

This obituary is protected by copyright by MacCoubrey Funeral Home Limited. Proudly serving Northumberland County in the province of Ontario, Canada. All rights reserved.

John Brynmor Jones

November 11, 1942 - January 31, 2025

Known as ‘Johnny’ to friends and family, our beloved family patriarch was a Welshman who never forgot his roots. He was born in Cardiff amid the chaos of World War II, and there he received his scientific education at the University of Wales. A “metals man”, he later moved to Canada and spent his entire career working for Inco. In that role, he made friends all over the world with his warm and generous personality.

He was the husband and best friend of Anne-Remy Jones, beloved brother of Dorothy Reoch, father of Dylan and Owain, and proud grandfather to Kristine, Gareth, Rhys, Harry and Jack. A loyal and loving friend to many, he will be sorely missed by us all. Not a day will pass when we do not think of him.

A private family service will be held at the graveside, followed by a Celebration of life in the summer. Please contact the family for further information.

Message Of Condolence

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Will Elms - February 14, 2025

So sad to hear of John's passing and my condolences to the family. I had the great fortune of working with John in the Toronto office for many years starting in 1995. His wit and charming personality made him a pleasure to work with especially to those of us new to the mining industry and learning the ropes. He had a way of lifting everyone's spirits even in those periods where the business wasn't doing as well. John left a lasting impression on everyone he met. Many great memories, thank you John, Rest in peace, Will

Jun Shu - February 12, 2025

My sincere condolences to John's family and friends. It was an honor to work under John's leadership at INCO, developing metal foam and powder products for advanced HEV battery applications. I was deeply impressed by his technical expertise in metallurgy and advanced materials, as well as his strategic vision in global marketing for specialty nickel products. I fondly remember our business trips across Asia, where John was always thoughtful and considerate toward his team. In the past decade, we cherished the gatherings he organized at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, creating lasting memories with old friends. John, may you rest in peace. We will miss you dearly. - Jun

ROSA ALULIO - February 11, 2025

I am deeply saddened by the news. My sincere condolences to John's family and friends. He was a great boss. Patient, considerate and fun to work with. He represents "the good old INCO days". His funny stories still bring a smile to my face from time to time, I'll never forget the one where he did not allow Tom Jones to sing at his university party dance in Wales. May happy memories of John bring comfort to his close family at this sad time. Rosa

Rhodri Bowen - February 11, 2025

John was an absolute gentleman, a fountain of knowledge, great fun and always had a twinkle in his eye. He was so personable and he made everyone feel welcome no matter what role or level they were. One of the best laughter filled memories I have will be that never ending last "one and done" beer with him and his best friend, David Adami in Swansea after watching Wales play Australia. My deepest sympathies and condolences to all his friends and family. Diolch a nos da John.

Victor Ettel - February 11, 2025 DONATION

A Memorial Donation has been made to the following charity:

Canadian Cancer Society

Victor Ettel - February 11, 2025

Dear John: I still cannot get used to the idea that you will not be coming to our post-retirement 'ISP Board' meetings at the Library bar of the Royal York hotel any more. When we first met around 1970, I didn't have any idea that we will spend the best parts of our professional careers working together. You were the best boss/colleague/friend one can imagine. I always admired your wisdom and ability to charm our often tough customers in the meeting rooms and in post-meeting dinners ranging from more glamorous places in Bordeaux or Tokyo to little village eateries in the hinterlands of China. You truly were a humble giant and I will always treasure the memories of having been blessed with the opportunity to work for you. I will always miss you, Victor

Stuart Harshaw - February 10, 2025

Sincere condolences for John’s family and friends. It is sad to think of John not here as he always brightened up the room. Although I have not seen John for many years, I think of the old Inco team frequently including all those providing condolences here. Wishing you peace John. Stuart

Chris Hoet - February 9, 2025

My sincere condolences to John’s family and close friends. It was a very sad day for me when I found out John had left us. I always looked up at John when he was negotiating with customers in his own charming style or each morning when he managed to picture a smile or get a laugh out of our Shanghainese tea lady even without speaking any Mandarin to her. John’s genuine smile showed her how much he respected her and how grateful he was. John, RIP. I’ll miss you. Chris

Kevin Ma - February 7, 2025

Kevin Ma – Feb 7 2025 Dear John, I was so sad to hear of your passing, our first meet was in Dalian (a beautiful city of China )on or about 1999, as we have same client of SANYO, at beginning, we competed with each other, but finally we become one team and good friends for many years, I still remembered that we drank a lot in Dalian for the nickel foam project from night to the early morning of next day, I still remembered that we have together attended nickel/cobalt conference in Nanjing, Sanya and Shanghai, I learned a lot form you, you are the most famous people in the industry world-wide. so many beers we have not drink, so many songs we have not sing, Dear John, miss you so much. Kevin Ma in Shanghai

Teddy Hong Tang - February 6, 2025

Dear John, I am deeply saddened and still cannot believe you have passed away. You were always very friendly to me. We had great time together, in many business trips to Dalian, Shenyang and Tokyo, and in many business meetings. I learnt a lot from you. Together we also had lots of fun. All unforgettable. I miss you. Dear John, rest in peace. Sincerely Teddy Tang

Dave Anderson - February 6, 2025

Dave Anderson--February 6, 2025 Very sad to hear of John's passing.We worked together on the same team for many years and I always enjoyed being with John both in business and especially socially.John was easy to meet, great smile and engaging personality; fun loving and free spirited. My sincere condolences to John's many friends and family. Dave Anderson

Steven Douville - February 6, 2025

I was saddened to hear of John's passing. As indicated by others he was great to work with - jovial, intelligent, relational. His style reminds us that business may start within the confines of an office setting but many times is grown and developed in non-formal settings. He was a master of that! My sincere condolences to his loved ones.

frank Vultaggio - February 6, 2025

I first met John at Inco's lab in Mississauga when he interviewed me for a sales job. John was so welcoming and he easily convinced me how exciting selling nickel powders could be. Over the years I enjoyed the many international sales meetings he hosted and especially his visits to Novamet. I will remember John for the business things I learned from him but most importantly for his unique personality and that smile and sparkle in his eyes I was lucky to see so many times.

Tom O' Mahony - February 6, 2025

Dear John, so sorry to hear of your passing. You will be sorely missed here in Penang. Deepest condolences to family and friends. Especially Mi Fang, your loving partner of 16 plus years.

Ivor Kirman - February 6, 2025

I was so sorry to hear of John’s passing. I was particularly affected by the news as our lives overlapped for so many years. We are about the same age. We joined Inco at about the same time and worked closely together in Marketing for many years - including years when Inco and the nickel market were going through some very challenging times. John was a valuable collaborator and friend over this period. He always looked for solutions, not problems. I followed his later career in Canada and Asia with interest but always with the confidence that his skills and personality would result in success for him and for Inco. May he rest in the peace which he so deserves. I send my love and consolations to his family and his many friends. Ivor Kirman

Helen Hu - February 6, 2025

I was deeply saddened to hear about John's passing. Although it has been many years since I left Inco, seeing John‘s photo here again immediately brought his hearty laughter to my ears. No matter the occasion, as long as John was there it was always an atmosphere filled with joy and laughter. John was truly a joyful soul, a man who brought light to those around him. Please extend my heartfelt condolences to his family. Should they ever have the opportunity to visit China, I would be more than willing to assist them in any way possible. Miss you, John. - Helen from China

Shirley Wang - February 6, 2025

I was shocked and saddened to hear of your passing. On my first working day at INCO, when I timidly greeted you (as I was not confident in my English and afraid to address foreigners), you immediately stood up with a smile, welcomed me to the company, and greeted me warmly. Your smile and enthusiasm are still unforgettable to me. You were incredibly friendly to everyone, and we all enjoyed working with you. Your kindness and laughter will forever be remembered. Rest in peace dear John. Shirley Wang

Nancy Hu - February 6, 2025

Dear John, In front of me there is a picture of charming you holding an Inco annual book at the exit of YYZ airport picking up "a typical Chinese girl". That was my first oversea trip to Canada back in March 1997. We have been laughing about "typical Chinese girl" for many times. You are my lifetime mentor since then and your wisdon, your sense of humor, your laugter will stay with me forever. R.I.P dear John.

Hiro Iwasaki - February 6, 2025

Dear John, Still cannot believe you passed away.... Your smiling face occurs to my mind... You were always great sales person, great negotiator, great management, great mentor, great drinker, etc. etc. Everyone absolutely loved you. Had been looking forward to seeing you again though... Rest in peace, John. Sincerely, Hiro Iwasaki

Deborah Song-Andreasen - February 6, 2025

Dear John, you were dearly loved & a great friend to all, we will miss you. This coming St David’s day we will toast you & remember all the good time & lamb we shared together. Love from your Caaaaardif girlfriend Debbie & Folmer.

David Nettleton - February 6, 2025

Dear John, It is with great sadness that I learnt of your passing. It was always a pleasure to spend time in your company. People were free to 'be themselves' in your presence. I enjoyed many business trips around Asia with you, and especially to China where we worked on many difficult transactions. Your metallurgical knowledge was extensive, and you freely shared it in easy to understand language (not Welsh I'm glad to say...) with anyone who would listen, even bean counters (like me). In all your dealings with people, of whatever background or nationality you always showed great patience, humility, and humanity. You endeared yourself to many, and certainly to me. Rest in peace my friend. David Nettleton

GEORGE A DI BARI - February 5, 2025

We worked together at Inco, especially during the period I was involved with sales of Inco's unique carbonyl powders. I believe we first met at the Clydach Refinery. He was always polite, treated me kindly, and sought my opinion on technical matters. I was sorry to hear of his death. I extend my sincere condolences to his wife and family. Dr. George Di Bari.

Bill Fields - February 5, 2025

John was a Giant. He shared his expertise and sound advice with anyone who ask. John helped so many of us expand or even start new businesses. He was always eager to introduce you to his many friends and valuable contacts. John was a social animal and laughed without reserve he seemed equally comfortable in the finest restaurant or a grungy pub. He loved live entertainment, and entertaining. He was always open handed and fair. John will be missed. Rest in peace my old friend.

Riitta Louhimo - February 5, 2025

I worked for John in the Specialty Powder division of Inco Ltd. for many years, and knew him to be a terrific boss and a good friend. My husband John Radford often joined us in the group, in some Toronto bar or another, after the business talk was concluded and enjoyed a drink or three. Those days are deeply missed, and will be remembered always.

Ronald Chuang - February 5, 2025

John was a cherished colleague whose warmth and approachability made everyone feel at home. His hearty laughter and incredible drinking capacity were legendary. His passing leaves a void, but his kindness and spirit will forever be remembered. Rest in peace, dear John.

Annie Shiue - February 5, 2025

Dear John, I would like to thank you for so many great times at Inco. However, your drinking capacity of beer was greater than us for sure. I still remembered one night in Taipei we had so many beers at bars one by one till dawn, I had to fly back to Kaohsiung to attend my son’s school event in the morning. What a crazy life while we worked together. Now you were gone! Really really heartbroken. R.I.P. My dear John. Annie Shiue

peter goudie - February 5, 2025

My dear friend John, your passing was so very sad. We first met in 1987 and shared so many memorable experiences at Inco - we worked damn hard and we needed those extra drinks at night as we talked and made business plans (that were out of the box) well into the mornings sometimes. You gave me such generous advice and shared your wisdom. A mutual friend a couple of days ago said “John was a giant in our industry” - yes you were!! And then after we both retired we found ourselves both with homes in Penang (Malaysia) where we continued to enjoy the friendship. So many great times in Penang with you and Mi Fang. I hope you are now having a beer (and back to beer with alcohol!) with our good friend David Adami who went before you. RIP my friend. Peter Goudie

James Che Min Shih - February 5, 2025

John was a great person. We worked together for many years at Inco. He was very kind, knowledgeable and humble. I always enjoy the great sense of humor and positive attitude of John and his fantastic stories of Wales. We will miss you, John. My sincere condolences! James Che Min Shih

Graham Kershaw - February 5, 2025

Dear John It was with great sadness that I learnt of your passing. But it was also with joy to recount the many BBQs in the garden of 12A in Penang with you and Mi Fang - great times were had with good food, good wine and great company. Your friendship treasured by myself and fellow attendees RIP my friend Graham

Dave Griffiths - February 5, 2025

Dear John Myself and I'm sure many of your other friends from Penang here in Malaysia after having known you for the best part of 15 years since you retired here Many wonderful memories spent with you and your partner Mi Fang eating your roast lamb and the standing Joke never any gravy Jonesy, playing cards was always fun RIP my dear friend We're going to miss you for sure. Dave ( The Pond Man ) Griffiths