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Albert Ross Hubbard

This obituary is protected by copyright by MacCoubrey Funeral Home Limited. Proudly serving Northumberland County in the province of Ontario, Canada. All rights reserved.

Albert Ross Hubbard

August 16, 1929 - October 19, 2024

Our world lost a wonderful man yesterday. At 95 years of age Wayne's Dad, Ross Hubbard, left us to join his wife, Doris. Ross had been living at the Golden Plough Assisted Living facility in Cobourg for the past five years. In February, Ross fell and broke his hip. He survived the necessary surgery but never fully recovered. Ross was a proud independent man and an extremely hard working individual. He dealt with his progressing dementia as best as one can. At Ross's request there will not be a funeral. His wishes were to be cremated and interred along side his beloved wife Doris in Calgary. Rest well Ross.

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Roxane Brunette - October 22, 2024

Family I am very sorry for your loss of this man. I hope you find comfort Wayne in your memories. I hope you have a safe journey to Calgary laying this man to rest beside his beloved Dorris.