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Jacoba Sijgje "Coby" Ottink

Church on the Hill
594 Courthouse Rd., Cobourg

Tuesday June 18, 2024
10:00am - 11:00am


Church on the Hill
594 Courthouse Rd., Cobourg

Tuesday June 18, 2024

11:00 am

A livestream of the service will be available at approximately 11:00AM. Please click the option below to be redirected to the livestream page.

Interment following service at Cobourg Union Cemetery


Church on the Hill
594 Courthouse Rd., Cobourg

Following the interment at Cobourg Union Cemetery

This obituary is protected by copyright by MacCoubrey Funeral Home Limited. Proudly serving Northumberland County in the province of Ontario, Canada. All rights reserved.

Jacoba Sijgje "Coby" Ottink

May 19, 1932 - June 9, 2024

Peacefully, at Golden Plough Lodge in her 93-year, Coby Ottink went home to be with her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, reunited with her beloved husband Tieman Ottink who passed in 1994. Coby was the loved mother to Edward (Carol) Ottink, Bettina (Neal) Pope, Marina (Stephen) Gallant and Colette (Joseph) Jezek. She was exceptionally proud of her grandchildren Neacolette (Jordan) Aschenbrenner, Manja (Dane) Horner, Hannah Pope, Carl (Oana) Pope, Jeremy (Catharine) Pope, Samuel (Erica) Gallant, Claudia Gallant, Holten Jezek, Sarah (John) Gelinas, Hope Gelinas and Carter Gelinas. Cherished great-grandmother to Talia, Jude, Livi, Gemma, Edison, Ellie, April and Jack. Coby is the daughter of the late Hendrik and Gijsbertie Van Haren and sister to the late Hendrik as well as her twin sister Cornelia. She will be fondly remembered by her sister Else Kiesekamp. She will be greatly missed by her family in Holland, her family at the Church on the Hill and her friends. The family would like to extend their sincere thanks to the staff at Golden Plough Lodge for your kind and gentle care. Coby was a kind and gentle lady who spent her time dedicating her self to her Faith and to the care of all those around her. While the loss of her feels heavy, knowing that she is Heaven after a life of longing to be with Jesus Christ, brings peace to her family. A visitation will be held at Church on the Hill, Cobourg ON, Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 at 10:00Am followed by a service at 11:00Am. For those who wish to attend, a burial will take place immediately following the service at Cobourg Union Cemetery. Friends and family who are unable to attend the burial are welcome to wait at the church until the family arrives back from burial for time of reception and fellowship. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to UCB Radio or a charity of your choice.

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

Message Of Condolence

Note: Your message of condolence will appear at the bottom of the page.
MacCoubrey Funeral Home Ltd. reserve the right to delete or remove any comments we find inappropriate or offensive


Jonathan Rogers - July 9, 2024

So very sorry for your loss. She was always a smiling face and lovely soul.

Allison Sunday - June 19, 2024

~Our sincere condolences. Many joyful conversations with her were always appreciated and will be fondly remembered of Coby’s genuine kindness & love. Blessings and prayers to your families. ~ Allison & Doug

Greg Linton - June 18, 2024

So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. So many good memories of visits in your home and in ours growing up. May God bless you all with comfort during the days ahead.

Kellie Hie - June 18, 2024

I wanted to come and pay my respects to Coby and offer all of you my prayers and support but unfortinately i couldnt ..i met Coby quite a few years ago through my sister Carole McPhilemy. Coby had a beautiful soul ,she always had a smile on her face and made you feel welcome in her presence and there wasnt any challenge she wasnt up to , she was always willing to help those in need ..please know that i have been and continue to pray for peace and strength as you go through this difficult time ..RIP Coby will be truly missed

Michael (and Margot) Carleton and Family - June 18, 2024

Dear Collette, Marina and Families, Our deepest condolences on the loss of your mom, she was an amazing lady and woman of God. I have many fond memories of your family when we all attended Cobourg Alliance Church. I still vividly remember the day your mom came to Cook's school and brought dutch wooden shoes to talk about Holland when you first moved into the area. You house on Hwy #45 and memories of your dad and working around the property and the beautiful flowers. May you cherish her legacy of love and service, until we all gather again in heaven.

Carmen Gindi - June 18, 2024

Dear Marina and Family, I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord comfort your hearts and strengthen your faith and hope for a blessed reunion in heaven. Our warm condolences. Love, Carmen Gindi and Family

Helen Glenn - June 18, 2024

So sorry to hear of Coby's passing. She was a special lady loved by many. Helen Glenn

Jillian Perrett - June 17, 2024

Coby was a wonderful friend for many years. We had happy times watching at my house Christian videos I had taped, or sitting on her deck drinking tea, or attending a New Year’s Eve service at Kennedy Road Tabernacle where Huldah Buntain was the speaker, plus much more. Greatly missed. Heaven’s gain, our loss. Condolences to the Ottink family - Bettina, Marina, Ed, Collette.

Olga Nienhuys - June 17, 2024

I knew Coby from a business I had in town years ago, I always thought what a wonderful and positive person. Then years later I met her at some church functions I realized then why, when she spoke there was a beautiful aura around her that made you feel good. She taught me a lot God Bless Her

Ted Quinn - June 16, 2024

Collette, I remember how special your relationship between you and your mother was. I hope these memories you have of that relationship will remain in your heart forever and bring you comfort always.

Marcia Atkinson - June 15, 2024

Deepest Sympathy Your Mother was a beautiful Lady May she Rest In Peace

Doug Linton - June 14, 2024

I remember my Mom talking about Coby being a good friend when they both attended the alliance church. As I got to know her mother was right a very warm person. Esther and I extend our condolences to Ed and Carol and families. Doug and Esther Linton

Audrey Molenaar - June 14, 2024

My deepest condolence to all Cobys family Coby was a super great lady

Ann & Dick Raymond - June 14, 2024

To Ed, Carol and Family Keeping you in our prayers. Hold tight to all the wonderful memories.

Elden and Isabel Newcomb - June 14, 2024

We are so sorry to hear of Coby's passing. A delightful lady, full of such love and grace; she will be missed. Cherish the memories. We are praying for God's peace to surround all of you at this time. Sincere condolences.

Ryan and Nathalie McCann - June 14, 2024

Sending love and prayers to all of the family during this time. Thinking of you....

Linda Bloom - June 14, 2024

Coby always had a smile on her face. She was a sweet lady and her presence will be missed. Condolences to Ed, Carol and all her family.

Mark and Kathleen Davis - June 13, 2024

Our sincere condolences on the passing of your mother. Praying that many fond and cherished memories and the peace from God are your comfort at this time.

Bill and Bea Rowe - June 13, 2024

We have many fond memories of Coby looking forward to seeing her in Heaven. Our prayers are with you at this time.

Heidi Buchegger - June 13, 2024

*come *says

Heidi Buchegger - June 13, 2024

What a wonderful lady! l remember Mrs Ottink as a jovial wife, mother, tasteful home-maker, a wise & knowledgeable Bible teacher, as a woman of prayer, of friendship, a gifted seamstress and as a woman of unwavering faith in GOD, even amid the painful war years and throughout the struggles of life. A wise and dear lady and 'daughter of the King', she will be missed. Surely, her reunions in Heaven will be sweet. Her beautiful legacy will live on through her admirable family and in some ways, through all who were blessed by her influence. GOD's comfort, courage, strength and peace to her family & friends at this time & and in the days to cone. "l will never leave you nor forsake you." GOD say in Heb. 10:25 "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15. Grace & peace to each one.

Brenda and Phil Niles - June 12, 2024

Ed, Bettina, Marina, Collette, and family: We send to you all our condolences for the loss of your mom Coby. We have many fond memories of you all and your your mom and dad years back at the Alliance church. May God hold you close and give you peace and comfort. Our thoughts a prayers go out to you all.

Brenda Chamberlain - June 12, 2024

Sending my Sincere condolences to the families and friends at this difficult time RIP Coby Ottink

Hilda and Ted Van Netten - June 12, 2024

It's been many years since we crossed paths with Coby, but she still shines bright in our memories as a joyful and loving lady. Our condolences to her family.

June DiPasquale (west) - June 12, 2024

My deepest condolences to you all. She was a beautiful lady. Thinking of you all during this difficult time my thoughts and prayers are with you❤️

John and Kathy West - June 12, 2024

Ed, Bettina, Marina, Collette and families...please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of you dear Mom and Grandmother. We have many memories fond of her through the Alliance church and out in the community. Know our thoughts and prayers will be with you all in the days ahead🌹

Holmes Family - June 12, 2024

Please accept our sincerest condolences for the loss of your mother and grandmother. We often visited with Coby when we visited the home to see our father. She loved her family so much and often talked about everyone and where they are living and their occupations. We have fond memories from the Alliance church - nobody could light up a room like Coby.

Cori and Don Arthur - June 12, 2024

Coby and her family were always such a joy to be around. Our deepest sympathies....

wendy bowman - June 12, 2024

We are sending our love and prayers to your family at this time. May God grant you peace and comfort. We can rejoice as we know that Coby is now with her Heavenly Father rejoicing around the throne. We are sure she will hear Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant. Cherish All your good memories and hold them close to your Hearts. Wendy and Rick

Birgit and Bernie DuGuid - June 12, 2024

To Coby's Family Bernie and I are very saddened to learn of Coby's passing and we extend our deepest condolences. Coby was our friend and neighbour for 20 years and we feel so lucky to have known her. Bernie and Birgit DuGuid

Rachel Degazon - June 12, 2024

So sorry to hear of your loss. May the peace of our Lord and Saviour comfort you all during this very sad and difficult time.

Ben , Diana , Bjorn & Giovanni van Haren - June 12, 2024

Lieve familie. Vanuit Nederland leven we met jullie mee met het grote verlies van jullie moeder. We wensen de hele familie heel veel sterkte en kracht om dit verlies te verwerken. Veel liefs, Ben , Diana , Bjorn , Giovanni van Haren

Shawn and Liz Carr - June 12, 2024

Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother. May the good memories help you through this difficult time...

Wilma Poppe - June 12, 2024

I was sad to hear that tante Co had past. My condoleances to all my family. I will be with you all in thoughts. I have so many lovely memories of tante Co. All the sommers I went to Canada en stayed at her home. We had great conversations and I always felt loved by her. I will miss her.

Jim and Jamie West - June 11, 2024

To all of Coby's family our condolences on Coby's passing. A real nice lady. Remembering her fondly from our time at William Street Alliance Church.

William DeRoos - June 11, 2024

Psalm 119 vs 105 states: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. My Aunt Coby or more affectionately known as Tante Co was my mom’s twin sister. In our growing up years, we as a family would visit my aunt and uncle in Cobourg ON, on many occasions. Always an enjoyable time visiting and sharing with cousins and especially Tante Co and Oom Tim. That tradition continued well into my teens, twenties and so on. The trust and love bonds were such that when I had questions about faith and eternal security, I turned to Tante Co for direction. Her gentleness, genuine concern and wisdom, led me to surrender my life to Christ after a lengthy discussion. I love you, Tante Co and enter now into the joy of the Lord. We’ll meet again, soon! Love Nephew Bill

Bonnie Rhebergen - June 11, 2024

My condolences on the loss of your mother.

Ferne holmes - June 11, 2024

Coby was a wonderful friend and neighbour to me. We did children's clubs together and went back and forth for coffee. Coby was always upbeat and a faithful Christian in all she did and she was a good example to her family and friends too. Eye hath not seen nor ear hath not heard......

Brian & Sherri Charles - June 11, 2024

She was such a wonderful person,and servant of the Lords,I will always remember her beautiful smile,and the kindness she would show to all. Enjoy your reward sister… Our condolences to the family! Pastor Brian Charles

Miriam Mutton - June 11, 2024

To Bettina and all of the family, I was so saddened to hear of Coby's passing. She always had a friendly smile for my mother Anna and I. We enjoyed Coby's company at the care home. Coby, a wise woman and gentle soul, and with a quick wit and sense of humour could bring a smile to anyone's face!

Marg Trottman-Graham - June 11, 2024

Sincere condolences to all. She will be missed by many but, she is now at peace with the Lord. Hugs to all of you during this difficult time. Marg (Trottman) & Reed Chatterson & families

Carol Clement (Irvin) - June 11, 2024

I am thinking about your family during this difficult time yet Joyful, knowing your mom is at peace! with her Lord and Savior.

Estelle Cortesis - June 11, 2024

Ed, Bettina, Marina, Collette and families, My heartfelt condolences to you all at this difficult times. May the beautiful memories be blessings in your hearts and you faith guide your way to peace. Sending prayers and love. Estelle

Bruce and Jane Morton - June 11, 2024

Condolences to you Ed and family .